One legged forward bend

Now for the Eka Pada Navasana--the one legged boat pose. One legged seems appropriate for boating in a one legged pirate sort of way or a one legged boat kicking contest. Anyways, begin this one on...
Wednesday’s with Greg Episode #2 Motorcycle Tie Down. Kyle: Kyle Bradshaw from Cruiser Customizing, Greg Buck from Tucker Rocky with your Episode #2 of Wednesday with Greg. So what’s the topic of the...
Begin seated with your legs extended in front of you. Allow the feet to roll away from each other. Grasping the inner thighs or shins, slowly draw the heels towards the pelvis, bringing the soles of...
The last stretch of the day is the hamstring stretch. Its critical to maintaining flexibility in the back of the leg and promotes better sitting, standing and walking posture. You can do this stretch...



Grab the pull-up bar with the palms of your hands facing forward. For a medium grip, your hand should be spaced at shoulder width. Both arms should be extended in front of you while holding the bar at...
Hi this is Chris Knight from and I'm excited because today I'm going to show you a few really good exercises on the bosu ball what we're going to do is...
Hi welcome to another video. My name is Vincent Woon. In this video In this video I’m going to share with you about ankle pain. I’m going to explain to you why you need to take good care of your feet...
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] What's going on? Little dap. It's Jared Montz former pro and founder of Soccer Academy. Today we are learning soccer passing -...
Best Pillow For Snoring Buy With Discount: The Best Pillow for A Good Nights Sleep By Robin Wrights Choosing the right pillow is very important in achieving...
We're going to do the, from the beginning of the super fun sunsalute all the way to position four, putting together all of the open hip poses that are possible so you can see a flow...