Namaste, I'm Lata Jain, Welcome to Lata's Kitchen Dhokla is a very delicious Gujarati snack, it is made in various ways Today I'm going to make Khaman Dhokla It is an instant...
Namaskar! Welcome to Today we ill make Besan spinach Chila. Besan spinach Chila is very tasty and nutritious too. You can make in for breakfast or during evening time for snacks. You...
Hi, my name is Teresa and today I'm going to show you a twist on traditional French Toast. I add Ontario apples and maple syrup. So let's get started. Spray a 9 x 13 glass baking dish...
I recently made a peach cobbler for a potluck at work, and I combined a few recipes and I've done a little bit more tweaking since then. This peach cobbler has a very soft gooey inside instead...
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Hi, I'm Jane from Welcome. Today is Day 8 of the 21 Day Avocado Smoothie Plan that I'm doing. I've chosen the Savory Spinach Soup / Smoothie from page 16....
Put the flour and water in a mixing bowl. Then, mix well. Add 1/8 cup of water in the mixture and mix well again. The dough should look similar to this when it is done. On a pre-sprayed baking sheet,...
LEE ANNE: We visit Chi town to find the most unique eats. MIKE: Yusho. The first thing on the menu that will jump out at you is the skin tasting. No, it's not Silence of the Lambs. LEE ANNE:...
Hello friends this is Cooking Express with CathyHa. And once again we will make delicious and easy food for our family and friends. Today I have a special dish that I received the recipe from a friend...