
So in this clip Katie and I are going to show you how to do pigeon pose, or eka pada rajakapotasana, one legged pigeon pose, for women who are in their second trimester of pregnancy for prenatal yoga....
Hi, my name is Leta Koontz and I'm a Yoga Instructor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at Schoolhouse Yoga and I'm here today on behalf of Expert Village to help you work on some hip opening...
Pigeon Pose is a good way to open up the hips, stretch the illiacus psoas, hip flexor muscles and create flexibility into the spine. Again, if it bothers you to have your knee bent in front of you....
From Downward Facing Dog, bring your right knee toward your right wrist and then lower your left knee down to the floor. The right toes will be pointing back toward the left hip. For a deeper stretch...
So now I'm going to be showing you Eka Pada Rajakapotasana or One Legged Pigeon Pose for women in their first trimester of pregnancy in prenatal yoga. So for this pose, its a wonderful hip...
An excellent hip opener on your mat is pigeon or eka pada konasana. So, what you want to do is come into table. Which, we discussed in previous clips. It's not as important about the...
Next is the yoga pose apanasana. It is the wind relieving pose. You may think I am full of something which is okay--this pose is good for digestion--but yes, it actually is known as the wind relieving...