Hanging with mah boys in downtown city Life is hard so pass the whisky Then pin drop silence all around me, Them legs walked in bronze as honey Oh boy oh boy I don't know why. I'm...
Hi, I'm Francis, the host of this show "Cooking with Dog." Let's make the batter for Okonomiyaki. Combine the cake flour (100g) and baking powder (1/4 tsp) in a bowl...
I’ve been taking a shortcut with my kale and buying it in a bag. The horror, right? Take some and pour it on a sheet pan. You could also use a bowl, but I like to have more room. Sprinkle a little...
Heather: Hey guys, this is Heather from healthyveganrecipes.net. Okay, today I have got a very fun recipe for you from Allyson Kramer's cook book “Great Gluten Free Vegan Eats”. I posted a...
Walter: Zucchini. Jan: Zucchini. Walter: It's that time of year again, isn't it? Jan: It is that time of year. Walter: You know how you can tell you've planted too much...