Namaskar! Welcome to Today we will prepare Zucchini Sabzi. Zuchini Sabzi can be prepared in many ways. Tomato Zucchini sabzi can be made or tomato zucchini curry can be made. It...
DENISE BENNET: Hello, my name is Denise Bennet, and I'm here on behalf of Expert Village. As you can see, this is nice now, we're going to go ahead and put in the sesame. It's...
Hi, I'm Elvis Hillard and I'm here on behalf of Expert Village. And today we're going to be making a dish called a French Casserette. Okay, the first step that you want to take...
How does it look? It looks really nice It smells even better I·ll cover that Okay, great Perfect, so let·s get our tomato in here while that·s cooking Sure Beautiful red tomato Okay, if you want, we...
Roast Potatoes Recipe I'm a great believer in making things simple. What's stressful about making roast potatoes? Nothing! They should be very simple and very easy. My secret is to use...
Past, I talked. izumi salad dishes of the shinhama Very Yummy. The supermarket has a unique dishes. Each supermarket, which boasts a special side dishes. Long time. I bought the Fuji Grand Mihara...
sp Ok, I'm going to show you how to make some real quick good tasting guacamole here you start by just taking the avacodo and a little trick I always use just cut into it and chase the knife...
Hey, guys. When it comes to having a snack at home, one of the healthiest and quickest things you can make is guacamole. It's one of my favorites, and here's my recipe. What...
Cut the about 200g yam into thick rounds,… and peel. Trim off ends from 5 asparagus, and cut into diagonal pieces. Then stick with a toothpick. (4-piece set) Wash the 14 "shishito"...