And from here, we can come back into Downward Dog, walking the Dog, walking the Dog, breathe and breathe and breathe. Strengthening the arms and the legs and then coming down into our knees and...
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana, revolved side angle. We're going to begin with an inhaled step your left foot back, coming into a high lunge, we're going to lunge forward. As we pause right...
Parivrtta Trikonasana, revolved triangle. We're going to slide into revolved triangle from pyramid pose, so the legs are pyramid pose legs. We're going to shift that right hip back....
Warrior 1, Virabhadrasana 1, again, begins in Tadasana. Let's take a look that your feet are hip-width apart. Keeping the balance in your feet, we're going to use an inhale to step...
In this set of videos, we're going to explore standing series poses. The best place to start finding misalignments in your body is in your standing poses. So we want to pay attention to what...
We're going to explore Utkatasana, which is chair pose, or fierce pose. We're going to get this pose done starting off in Tadasana, mountain pose. Our first job is to take a look down...



We're going to transition into downward facing dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana, coming from up dog, or cobra. The inhale is going to turn her toes under, and the exhale is going to lift her hips up...