We are going to do a version of cat cow. We are going to turn this into vinyasa. Vinyasa flows with the breath so that movement follows the breath. With an inhale Jennifer is going to slowly come into...
Virabhadrasana II; Warrior 2, beginning in Tadasana, with the strength and the stillness, let us inhale to soften your knees, lift the palms. The choice is to exhale, hop, or step both feet wide....
The next set of videos we're going to work on is postures with assist, and these videos are to enjoy and receive. It's not about doing a right pose or a wrong pose. We'll be...
Navasana, boat pose is a core strengthener. It's more of a strengthening pose, than it is a flexibility pose. So we're going to begin with planting the soles of your feet so that the...
Upavistha Ardha Chandrasana, Seated Half Moon. We're again going to do this pose from Sukhasana, just find an easy position that you can maintain, that you feel the sit bones firmly grounded,...
Warrior 3, Virabhadrasana III, is a balancing pose. We're going to go into warrior 3 from warrior 1. So let's check that both soles of your feet are firmly grounded. We want to take...
Parivrtta Trikonasana, revolved triangle; strongly recommended that you viewed this pose in the first series. We're going to begin with making sure that you have a strap. So what...
Utanasana, forward fold. Strongly recommended that you have viewed this pose in the first series. This time around we're going to utilize the blocks and a wall. What we're going to...
We're going to present to you ardha adho mukha shvanasana, which is half downward facing dog. Downward facing dog is a very valuable pose to your practice, but if you have some kind of...
From down dog, we're going to go into up lunge, Ashwa Sanchala Asana, or high lunge. But we're going to change sides, so as she inhales to step the right foot forward, she's...