GemOro, the company that revolutionized the world of gold testing with the AuRACLE gold testers, has taken their popular AGT-One model and upgraded it to make calibrating the tester even simpler....
The wait is over! Esslinger-dot-com now has the watch band extenders you need to make your link style watch bracelets just a little bit longer without having to add links to your band. Whether you are...
This Bergeon Swiss spring bar tool from Esslinger-dot-com is a handy watchmaker tool. This high quality steel spring bar tool is the perfect tool for removing spring bars and link pins from metal and...
Esslinger-dot-com has the unusual bench tools designed to make watchmaker's and jeweler's lives easier. Introducing the combination rubber blower. The combination blower uses both...
Do you replace watch batteries? Esslinger-dot-com has the battery replacement kits you need. The Renata watch battery replacement kit is perfect for watchmakers and jewelers who replace watch...
fingernail on my clothing takes a look at one of my philosophy of the shop the close was the office with retrograde minutes and jim powers hence a second some valid six o'clock in the wings...
but you're on my full of doing antiques takeover looking at a who blow indium in eighteen karat solid yellow gold once it does come on this rubber strap things deployed buckle watches...
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Hello my name is Andrew Campbell, welcome to AC Silver. These fine and impressive pair of antique George II English sterling silver waiters are quite exceptional examples. They have a classic plain...

