A bicycle built for two isn't the only way to ride a bicycle when you're doing partner yoga. So we're gonna use our abdominals and we're just gonna turn towards each...
Next Gina and I are going to come into a pose called Parighasana or Gate Pose. We're going to come on up to our knees and bring our hips together, good. You want to position your knees right...
Gina and I are now going to come into the weeping willow pose. It is another one of those trust issue poses where you really have to connect with your partner so that you know just how much give and...
In this pose Gina and I are going to revolve our triangle into the revolved triangle pose. So the triangle represents the connection to the ground as well as your connection to the universe so...
Matsayasana is a really fun pose to do with a lot of people. It's a special fun to do with a group of kids. So it's Fish Pose and in that pose, we're going to open up through...
In this pose Gina is going to come into sirsasana or head stand and I'm going to act as her wall of support so that she doesn't fall over. Not that she would. Okay, so Gina is just...
A really great back lengthener is the Balasana pose, child's pose and also we take this into scoops which is a real fun partner yoga pose. I'm gonna ask Willy to turn sideways, sit on...
In any yoga practice, the best way to end is with our relaxation pose. In this clip we're gonna demonstrate "padian kasan" lying on the lap of mother earth, which Willy is...
A really great way to lengthen your spine and calm your breath is with child's pose. In child's pose we're all just going to fold forward, bring our forehead to the ground, and...
The counter-pose to Paschimothanasana is the inclined plane. So I'm going having both these ladies Resa and Sue demonstrating, but they're going to be showing two different versions....