Sue here is going to be demonstrating the Wheel Pose, Chakrasana. It's a little bit more of a modification of Bridge Pose. It's taking it kind of to that next level. So I'm...
Dhanurasana is a really great pose for your back and to open your chest and shoulders. It means bow pose and I'm going to assist Gina into this bow pose so Gina is going to come on down to her...
Start with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. You want your feet at kind of an angle at from your knees so not directly beneath your knees but at a bit of an angle, then place your hands...
To begin more of our back bending, is to start by opening up to the fullness that's inside of ourselves. When we think about it, it's just taking a really deep breath. When you take a...
So from standing, fold to forward in Uttanasana and then step your right leg back behind you into Lunge Pose, take the right heel down to the floor and turn the right toes forty five degrees toward...
From table position, bring your shoulders directly over your wrists, tuck your toes under, expand the sideways line so it gets long and then melt your heart. With the heart melted, tuck your toes,...
In the dancer, just take that left foot right behind you and place it with the toes not touching the floor and let the shoulders go right back and then lift right out with those hands. As you stretch...
From lying on your belly take your hands to the base of the breast bone so the bottom of the wrists lines up with the base of the breast bone and then walk your fingertips actually off your mat and...
After you've done at least six to twelve rounds of sun salutation in Sivananda yoga we start on the main practice. We will begin with leg raises. It really helps open up the core, strengthen...
A variation of the Crow Pose is a beautiful Side Crow. It is also the arm balance, a little hand balance there. So we're going to have Risa demonstrating it. So Risa, I'm going to have...