We're going to stretch out Emily's hamstrings, calves with some really nice leg stretches. So I want to have her come unto her hands and knees. Now when you come unto hands and knees,...
En esta clase de hatha yoga queremos que con tu cuerpo y tu imaginación puedas percibir la vibración de este entorno natural rodeado de árboles, cuya herencia y memoria nos acompañan. Nos detenemos...
The Philadelphia District Attorney s Office issued a report of the Investigative Grand Jury earlier today concerning the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and matters related to sexual abuse of minors....
Partner yoga is a really fun way to practice whether you've been practicing yoga for sometime or you're new to the practice. If you're new, your partner can really help you...
In this pose we're going to be demonstrating pincha mayurasana or the scorpion arm balance pose. So we're going to ask Rissa to come on down and kneel right here facing this direction....
The locust pose is a really great way to lengthen our, your spine. So many of us today have low back issues and this is a really great way to lengthen through the sacrum, through the lumbar spine and...
Mukarasana Crocodile is the second most relaxing pose second only to Shavasan, the corpse pose for relaxation. I am going to ask Willie to lay down on his belly. He is going to put one hand on top of...
Connecting the left hamstring with the buttock. Lay right down, and take that left foot up and take the strap around your left foot. And then, take that strap around your left hand to secure it. And,...
Using the strap to stretch the inner thigh enables you to get deeper into a posture. Take that for the right side, just take that right around your right foot. And, then lay right down on the floor....



Laying downs final twist using the strap; take that strap around your right foot and lay right down. Now here set yourself comfy on the mat and let your left arm go right down on the floor, and let...