What's the matter? You never saw anybody from the planet Vultern before? Mom. Beep, beep-beep-beep. Yes, uh, may... Never mind. Uh, wait a minute!...
Gemma... today, too... She must be running... Halleluiah... Halleluiah... At this moment, Jesus told everyone... That he was the living bread from heaven. Halleluiah... Whoever eats this bread will...
a multitude being in newburgh young hollywood about to go behind the scenes on a video shoot on sight like benefit the word on flights senator gramm lee young hollywood untried medical elijah...
bjbj @+h} Okay. There are 3 kinds of pasta mainly. One is durum wheat and water pasta, it s the most traditional Italian pasta. Then you have (00:33) Italian pasta with the head, this germ, with...
bjbj Just a note, the industrial pasta was invented in the 18th century in Napoli. The first dry spaghetti, it was produced in Sisley. It s not in Napoli. Napoli is famous for (00:39) pasta all over...
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