So Bound Lotus. The arms cross behind the back. So start with one arm at a time. Here's one and the other. Eventually, you can lean forward and try to grab both at the same time. Once you have...
So for big pigeon, we're lifting up all the way. The last little bit of lifting up. Aah! You drop the tail down. That's a lot of juice for the hips. And you can take the heel a little...
The next pose is Malasana in Sanskrit, and garland pose in English. Garland refers to an encirclement. A mala is also a prayer necklace in which there are a number of beads, and a large bead, and a...
Heading into vinyasana I always like to sink the spine down into the mat a few times. It's not going to stay there, but at least it's establishing an intention for length and space,...
So after you've had some time in your split, like with your variations both forward bending and backward bending. It's time to take on the big pigeon. Lean off, roll out, take the foot...
Then you can start working with the back leg, as you bring the back leg in, you can bring it closer, let it touch, elbow. This is a very challenging balance I think, up and over, challenging the...
GINA KENNEDY: In this pose, Faith is going to help me demonstrate how the strap can really help you come into a side leg stretch pose more easily and with better alignment. So we're going to...
Now coming up out of this pose, standing up, the only little challenge is the balance here. Really press down with the foot that's on the floor, the one that's on the floor, pull up...
For this next yoga posture is a wonderful hip opener, very simply plant your sitting bones into the Earth. Make sure that both sitting bones are planted deeply, both your bum is planted so that one...
This next one is a big hip opener, so go at your own pace, really listen to your breath. Keep both knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and then bring your right knee in, hold your right foot with your...