Hey guys this is Shanil from Hanging Lotus Yoga. Today I'm going to talk about standing lunges and some standing variations of lunges. Now, the lunges in this tutorial, I designed to help you...
Hey, Blue. What you got there? What you bringing us? This is perfect for the yoga show. It says love. Hello everyone. Welcome to Yoga with Adriene. I'm Adriene, and this is Blue. Today...
CINDY MASTRY: Once you have mastered Virabhadrasana C or Warrior 3 on the wall using blocks, we then going to move out onto the floor and not use the wall. So we're going to have Faith...



Let's begin with an Alternate Nostril Breath. And you might want to have some tissues handy cause this really clears out your sinuses. This breath will also help to balance both hemispheres of...



Botox and Dysport are neurotoxins that can be injected into the face to soften fine lines and wrinkles. Here’s Dr. Kinney explaining their primary uses. Botox is almost a verb but it is a botulinum...
We're talking about scheduling and working from a home office. And how to use your time, efficiently. A lot of people have, who work from home offices, myself included. Have found that...



In this series we'll be focusing on advance postures and also some twists. It's very important to remember when we're practicing advance poses that they take time, they take...
Now we'll be continuing to flow, continuing to move our bodies, moving through some sunflowers. So again, our feet are a little wider than hip distance, and our toes angled out towards the...
We're going to do the second side of that variation on twisting crow pose. So bring up the right leg. Bring your heel underneath the hip, cross the left leg over so we're ready for the...
I'm Julie Branum and we are going to continue now from the all fours position and come into a modified cat cow pose so on an inhalation hold the neutral spine. On an exhale descend the heart...