A nice gentle spinal twist is on elbows and knees and Emily is going to do it for us. It's a way to get a final twist in without over exerting yourself. So, coming into hands and knees first....
The next variation will be a twisted chair utkatasana pose. As you inhale bend your knees, draw your hands up over head, exhale draw the hands together in front of your heart, rotate at the waist,...
hi everyone welcome to Ekhart Yoga, my name is Esther. and I'm going to show you two stretches you can do for your wrists because these days a lot of the yoga we do a lot of Down dogs,...
We're going to balance out the, the legs with Virabhadrasana I, and Virabhadrasana II, our Warrior I and II. Stepping back with the left foot, bringing the arms overhead, Warrior I has. Give...
Hi, I'm Linda Black, continuing with our balance sequence. Inhale; raise the arms overhead. We're going to do a series A or a sun salutation, Surya Namaskara A. Exhale, diving forward,...
We are going to continue with the arm balance sequence and this is a tough pose. It is a variation on crow or side crow. You are going to start by placing the left heel and sitting back, sit bone to...
Sue's here going to show a very beautiful, a variation of headstand. She's going to be bringing her legs into eagle pose. So I'm going to have her come into child pose. Taking...
Resa will be demonstrating a spinal twist in Sukasana. It's a lovely pose. It's very sweet and comfortable. So, sitting in Sukasana, bring your hands to your knees, take a nice inhale....
We have talked about staying out of the wrists and working the strength of the forearms so we are ready to begin our balance sequence on the hands. Now use your fingers like you would use your toes to...
Sue here is going to be demonstrating the Wheel Pose, Chakrasana. It's a little bit more of a modification of Bridge Pose. It's taking it kind of to that next level. So I'm...