So this is a really nice exercise to do; an exercise that you have to do with another person but it is a really nice exercise to do with another person. Monique who teaches a lot of work shops for...
Martha here is going to be showing another variation of Headstand. Ekapada Sirsasana, one-legged headstand. It is a wonderful pose that uses a lot of core work. So, before you ever do this pose please...
So as you hold your Virabhadrasana I, Hero Pose, paying attention to all the alignment details, pressing through the rear heel, forward knee directly above the ankle, knee cap directly above the...
So, we are going to go from standing balance, side balance to Warrior 2 to side plank and back to Warrior 2. Tricky exchanges of weight going on. Bend the leg. Pop. Try to land in Warrior 2 if you...
Hi and welcome. My name is Scott Soller, yoga instructor, on behalf of Expert Village. The Cat Cow flowing series works with our second shaka and it has to flow more with practice. We start in Wisdom...
Bow, Dhanurasana. Dhanurasana is a Back Bend, so we're going to need to learn to create length in your spine which yoga is all about, always getting length in your spine, but lengthen your...
So it's important to coordinate the heels with your feet in your wide stance. We have the length of one leg between the feet, but you also want to make sure that the heels are in the same...
Hello, I'm Howard and welcome to my Introduction to Hatha Yoga. This next exercise, called Child's Pose, we touched on it earlier but I'm going to show you a couple of...
Today we’re here with Greer. “Hi, I’m Greer. I’m 5 years old.” She is going to show us how you can use stuffed animals to help you with your yoga poses. She has three stuffed animals beside her, so...
Hello, my name is Samantha Raphael on behalf of Expert Village. In this clip I'll be demonstrating Cat Cow Pose. To begin, start on all fours, your shoulders should be aligned with your...