The Federal workforce is changing. A quarter of this workforce is now over the age of 55. This is also true at the Department of the Interior, which employs over 70,000 people across the country. As...
Let's go get Endira Endira: "Really??? For me???" It becomes difficult for her to get the last carrots So I want to give her by hand And look how bold she suddenly becomes ;)...
Pandora launched their new ESSENCE COLLECTION with a party and fashion show in Hollywood recently. Among the many attendees getting a sneak peek at the stylish charms were Mad Men actress Jessica Pare...
I've broken the world's strictures and come to you. For your sake, I left the world behind. Maddened by love, I've come to your door... Your lover has come, has come; a madman...
My name is Carrie Evenden and I am a clinical psychologist at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center specializing in working with oncology patients, as well as their partners and families. I have been...
Test of Courage SOUL -GI from the album " The Magic Mirror " Anger, rage , sorrow, incomprehension storm, light , desert desolation / Anger, rage , sorrow, incomprehension / / storm,...
[music] [Caption: "I feel so at home in my little Ann Arbor that I'm beginning to sink down roots here and have a hard time imagining my leaving it. But I am not doing anything useful...