Standing Oblique Twist Stand in a neutral position with your feet shoulder width apart. Contracting your stomach muscles, twist slowly from your torso to your right and try to reach for a target on...



Hello everyone and welcome back to SpeedX, My name is Jaret and what you are Chessie and is just going to perform a Med Ball Knee Tuck so the key is getting into play position with the either her your...



Hi, I'm Dr. Bill Booker of Capitol Rehab and today we're demonstrating probably my favorite core exercise. We call this the side bridge, the modified side bridge, and the side bridge...



The saw exercise is also a rotational exercise and you do this with your legs in a V and one of the things I have noticed is that many people forget to engage their abs as they are doing it but that...



Hi. I'm Theresa Murphy on behalf of Expert Village and in this clip we're going to be looking at downward-facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) as a yoga pose to help to serve to open the...
This next exercise is the other half of the back stroke and it has to do with lifting the legs. Again what is most important when you do this exercise is that your gluts are engaged, your legs are...
Swan Pose is going to be the opposite direction of Pigeon Pose, where you're prone. So, you're working on extension to the spine rather than flexed and in an upright position. So,...
In Bridge Pose, you're obviously supine now. So, you're counteracting all the prone poses and facing towards the mat that you are using. And, you want to start with your feet hip width...
The next exercise works really nicely with a plank as a closure, and that's moving into downward dog. And from here what we do is we just move back, bringing our ears in between our arms,...
So, now we're going to put both the Breaststroke Prep and the Leg Lift together to do the full Breaststroke. Go ahead and bring your forehead to the mat; again, head in line with the spine,...