Ajanayasa is a version of your high lunge. So, we'll use an inhale to step your right foot back. Finding out what your lunge looks like here, presenting the right foot into the asana. So take...
Hi I'm Laura Martini downward facing dog is one of the most commonly taught yoga postures in the yoga world today I'm going to teach you how to go deeper in this posture start by...
In this pose Gina and Rissa are going to help me demonstrate a combined pose where Gina is going to come into down dog. And Rissa is going to come into fish pose across her back and get a really good...
Hi. I'm Theresa Murphy with Expert Village and in this clip I'm going to recap some of the information we gave before about how health in the wrist is related to the entire length of...
Hello, my name is Scott Soller, yoga instructor. I'm here today on behalf of Expert Village. Next segment, Downward Dog, a breath or two here, you can bend your knees, push into your hands,...
A wonderful classic yoga pose, Downward Facing Dog, is absolutely perfect for prenatal yoga. I'm going to have you come in to hands and knees. The most important part of Downward Facing Dog is...
Next we'll be moving from our lunge back up to a standing position. Let's go ahead and find our lunge. Again, our ankle and our knee are aligned with each other, coming back up to that...
We're starting to move into the center portion, the middle portion of our sun salutations. So starting from the beginning again, we've inhaled up, diving forward, inhale, and stepping...
Down dog is really a great way to lengthen out through your spine. Gina is going to love this because I'm going to give her an assisted down dog. So Gina is going to come on down to her hands...
We're going to present to you ardha adho mukha shvanasana, which is half downward facing dog. Downward facing dog is a very valuable pose to your practice, but if you have some kind of...