My name is Adrienne Allen and I practice at North Shore Physicians Group. I'm originally from New Jersey and I moved to Boston to go to Boston College. I went to medical school at the...
Hi my name is Dr. Kim Makoi. I am a holistic chiropractor from San Francisco, California and this is how you treat bunions with alternative medicine. Contrary to popular belief bunions are not...
DR. STRAUS: This is absolutely an invigorating vision, and I will say, if I could distill this, how is this presentation different than any other presentation? I think you're restoring two...
I think it's important to explain to you where I think medicine is going, how it got to be where it is, and how, absent a tremendous reflection on the part of leaders in health care, we have a...
Now, this is one of the most important parts of the talk, and the concept that I want to discuss in the time that I have remaining, and that is the evolution of disease, and the capability to alter...
Dan Roden: I changed the title to Engineering Healthcare Systems because I -- I'll tell you a story about the way we're doing it, but the way we're doing it is influencing the...
I think one of the most important goals in oncology is to make sure that all patients have access to personalized medicine; that all patients have access to specific information about their own...