Hi my name is Dr. Kim Makoi. I am a holistic chiropractor from San Francisco, California and this is how you treat bunions with alternative medicine. Contrary to popular belief bunions are not...
I've been a TMJ sufferer for about 5 a very long time now. Another simple home cure for TMJ is with ice or frozen wash cloths on the jaw for 10-15 minutes many times a day. People discover...
toenail fungus home remedies -Tea tree oil is a potent natural antiseptic and fungicide that will help toenail fungus home remedies fight your fungus. Apply undiluted tea tree oil with olive oil to...
So you have an upset stomach and it's late at night, don't know exactly what to do about it. Hi my name is Mark Brinson doctor of Oriental medicine and physical medicine specialist....
This clip is about allergies and we are talking about both food allergies as well as environmental allergies. So, actually the reason we can address these together is because they are very much...
My name is Dr. Kim Makoi. I am a holistic chiropractor from San Francisco and this is restless legs and magnesium. Restless Leg Syndrome is a name given to a condition where peoples' leg...