Natural alternative health cures

good health is a balancing act do you and your family feel out of balance? there's an old saying an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. in other words preventing sickness is much...
In Chinese medicine, because we talk about the different flavors and how they associate with the organs and sweet being the main flavor that affects the energetic spleen, its important to know how...
So, with that, I will quickly summarize that this is an important field that, in many ways, has its origins, if you will, from important natural products, such as heparin, that have been studied for a...
♬ - Music - ♬ Hello. I'm Dr. Jeffrey White from the National Cancer Institute. Dietary supplements, special teas, meditation, and spiritual healing... these therapies are only a few examples...
Hi, this is Heather Kamins for Expert Village. Lupus is a complicated disease. There are still a lot of unanswered questions about it and really no two people have it exactly the same way, no two...
Hi, my name is Dr. Kim Makoia, I'm a holistic chiropractor from San Fransisco, and this is, do magnets help with pain relief. Pain can stem from a number of factors, so what's good for...
Hi my name is Dr Kim Makoi, I'm a Holistic Chiropractor from San Francisco, and this is how to use Chinese Meditation Balls. Chinese Meditation Balls are small metallic balls, usually about an...
We have some data from this survey and from other sources on why people turn to complementary and alternative medicine. One thing that's very consistent, whenever this has been looked at, is...