Hi I'm Vivienne Berry from Global Health Clinics in Takapuna, Auckland. I'd like to invite you to contact us when you've got challenges happening in your life We provide a...
the on holistic health practitioner and welcome to the foundation for holistic health there p munications network where we take a proactive approach towards helping you and achi optimum health and in...
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Dr. Nandita Shah SHARAN stands for Sanctuary for Health and Reconnection to Animals and Nature. And the reason we're disconnected is that we live so far from nature and animals sometimes, and...
I love Buddy. [Laugh] I have had him for, gosh, 8 years now. Buddy was a gift to me from my dad. I think it was maybe dad's way of, saying well here's that one last thing, you know,...
My name is Christine Marquette, and I'm a registered and licensed dietitian, with the Austin Regional Clinic, and I've been asked, What is a healthy stool? A healthy, normal stool...
Basically what it comes down to is, a long time ago I started learning—I initially started off as an auto mechanic and I decided I didn’t want to be bent over and oily all day so I got into massage...
bjbj Episode 20 Holistic Healing with Arielle Essex [0:00:11] Melanie: So welcome everyone to another episode of Wired for Success TV. Today we ve got Arielle Essex with us. Now most of us would go...