[music] Hello, I’m Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] and welcome to DermTV. It’s wintertime and, despite your best efforts to the contrary, your skin is getting dry and it’s starting to itch. Let me tell you...
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Dermalex is a new and innovative, ground breaking solution for most common skin disorders. So rather than working on the skins surface as a dermo-cosmetic emollient or rather than working on...
bjbjLULU Female: Hi guys. Today I m going to show you my skin care treatment that I like to use. And I m also going to show you the skin care products that I like to use. And first I m going to show...
So now, Dr. Jewell is going to address the issue a little bit about when we're out in the sun and we're feeling our skin getting hot and it's about to turn into a sunburn. Of...
[music] Hello, I’m Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] and welcome to DermTV. Today’s topic was submitted by our friends at TheBeautyBean.com which is a wellness and lifestyle blog. Their question is, is it...
So if a cancer patient is used to going to a particular spa for treatment prior to being diagnosed with cancer, one of the things that they need to think about when they go into their new spa is ask...