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forward gold you see word on what market unequal warped it it's will and what i think that's legal all actual chad c l_ mankiewicz just called uh... etc him utility while if it e ke it...



Olá, pessoal! Meu nome é Gabriel de Castro. Este é mais um vídeo do Hestúdios. Neste vídeo vou estar mostrando a vocês como gravar imagens ISO. em cd e dvd Através do Nero 9. você vem aqui em cópia e...



I got hit by the cupid's arrow My heart got taken away It's a love like destiny Your smile like an angel I want to make you my man I don't know, I don't know How can I...
Aint a thing to us how the way we came up crossing the line boy im a wet yo frame up in my hood niggas hit the block and make deals so we can put ice on and then chill and im a teacher homie so this...



Waxing your car regularly is a must when it comes to protecting your paint finish from the elements. And with the variety of waxes available, choosing the right one can be a bit confusing. If you are...
Creep Creep Creep in the dark it comes. So blow out all your lights! Doesn't want you telling everybody that: Jesus rules alright! Let your light shine! Wooooh! Let your light shine! Wooooh!...



Last summer, I had the great idea of buying a dog. Everything started when Manuel left me, and I came up with nothing better than substituting him with a big dog, with lots of fur, and a huge snout. I...
Give me a word Give me a sign Show me where to look Tell me what will I find Will I find Lay me on the ground Fly me in the sky Show me where to look Tell me what will I find Will I find Oh, heaven...

