a guy's for today's video i'm going to talk about my skincare routine this is mind warning as well as my nighttime routine and this is also requested by one of my subscribers...
First of all, pores are determined by your genetics. Some people are just born with larger pores. How you can minimize the appearance of it is amazing! Using agents like glycolic acid, salicylic acid,...
In the wintertime, the air is much dryer, especially at night when you have the heat on. It really dries your skin as well as the outside. So you do need a heavier moisturizer at night in the...
bjbjLULU Female: Hi guys. Today I m going to show you my skin care treatment that I like to use. And I m also going to show you the skin care products that I like to use. And first I m going to show...
[music] Hello, I’m Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] and welcome to DermTV. A very important question that arises frequently during pregnancy is, "What skincare products are safe?" The...
Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States. You can reduce acne by following these skin care tips from dermatologists. Wash acne-prone skin twice a day and after sweating....
Eminence has come out with a sun defense powder. This is again a highly concentrated...All natural organic. Completely, all natural, completely organic. This is a concentration of vitamins, fruit,...
Hello, I'm Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] And welcome to DermTV. A viewer asked: A friend of mine says she changes her regimen every few months, in order to avoid her skin 'getting used...