usually appears during adolescence in its most common form known as "acne vulgaris", Excessive secretion of oils from the glands combine with naturally occurring dead skin Generally...
Acne masks are a wonderful way to treat your acne. First of all, applying it on your skin, letting your skin calm down and sit for a while really makes you feel good because now you're...
First of all, pores are determined by your genetics. Some people are just born with larger pores. How you can minimize the appearance of it is amazing! Using agents like glycolic acid, salicylic acid,...
Acne affects 85% of people aged 15-24 and is one of the most common concerns for teenagers. The reason why acne develops in teens is the hormonal changes that accompany puberty. The pores in our skin...
There are several commonly used anti-acne treatments and many of them contain, Benzoyl Peroxide, retinoids, antibiotics or salicylic acid. Oral antibiotics, or topical antibiotics which are put on the...
[music] Hello, I’m Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] and welcome to DermTV. A very important question that arises frequently during pregnancy is, "What skincare products are safe?" The...
Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States. You can reduce acne by following these skin care tips from dermatologists. Wash acne-prone skin twice a day and after sweating....
[music] Hello, I’m Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] and welcome to DermTV. A very important and almost sacred rule of skincare is that when applying most skincare products, less is more. I said most, because...
Hello, I'm Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] And welcome to DermTV. When topical products and treatments just don’t bring my patients’ acne under control, of the three most commonly used oral...
Hello I'm Dr. Neal Schultz And welcome to DermTV. One of the more important treatments for acne with red pimples, pus pimples or cysts, is antibiotics. But acne isn't an infection. The...