Intentia noastra. Intentia noastra este...totul. Nimic nu se intampla pe aceasta planeta fara ea. Niciun lucru nu a fost realizat fara intentie. Asa ca am inceput sa ma gandesc la viata mea si am...



Zece semne generale de Trezire Spirituală SEMNUL 1 Obiceiul tău de-a dormi se schimbă. Te simţi neliniştit şi obosit, dar parcă ai mai multă energie. Obişnuieşte-te cu acest lucru şi nu-ţi face...



Hoe kan ik snel geld lenen en doorlopend krediet aanvragen? Als je op een bepaald moment in je leven wordt geconfronteerd... met een torenhoge schuld En je gefrustreerd raakt vanwege het overschot aan...



Nice hat, doctor! Danke! My team is stupid... ...we lose everytime! Where did we go so wrong? Look good to me stupid! [Mission begin in 10 second!] [countdown: 5..4..3..2..1] [Begin!] Do you need my...
d8:announce23:udp:// by13:uTorrent/300B13:creation...



And who the hell are you the name of the screen Z and welcome mat and will help them understand who ran last team in last episode in need of some pointers machines and Leo society nannies who was one...