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[music] Hello, I’m Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] and welcome to DermTV. I’d like to remind you that as a general rule of thumb, in order to get the full sun protection from your sunscreens rated SPF...
Early signs of sun damage in the 20s and 30s are these very fine lines that start developing which are partly sun, partly movement, there are some changes in pigmentation, blotchy pigmentation of the...
[music] Hello, I’m Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] and welcome to DermTV. If you have sensitive skin, or just think you have sensitive skin, then what I’m about to tell you is very important. The whole...
[music] Hello, I’m Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] and welcome to DermTV. Peptides as ingredients in skin care products have become increasingly important and popular, especially in products that treat...
It's November 8th, 2011, and this morning all the news stations are carrying the story of the conviction of Michael Jackson's personal doctor. One issue that Michael Jackson's...
Hello my name is Sophia and I own a salon in Austin, Texas, Sophia Beauty Barber Salon and I would like to explain for you on how you can rid of oily skin and how you can control the oilier skin. The...
Mogą do nas przyjść dzieci w wieku od 4 do około 10 lat. W naszym domku z reguły przyjmujemy maksymalnie 10 dzieci, raz w tygodniu. Warsztaty trwają około 45 minut. Pokazuję dzieciom, jak bawić się...
Dzień dobry Pani dzień dobry Panu, cześć Maxence. To jak, zaczynamy? Przejdziemy na drugą stronę? Dzień dobry. Jestem pielęgniarką i poprowadzę tę konsultację. Indywidualne podejście polega na...
Jasná volba profesionálů v oblasti péče o pleť. Vaše krásnější pleť začíná zde. Dobrý den,jsem Jane Wurwand a jsem zakladatelkou Dermalogicy a díky více než 30-ti letým zkušenostem s profesionální...

