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Welcome to a new episode of Ligia's Kitchen! Today we have a special guest, Izabela Panescu, who is the host of a show called "Forever Young" on Digi24 [a Romanian TV...
Today I want to give you one of my single most important tips on buying Argan oil products. Are you ready? Here's the tip: Read the label and don't be dazzled by those big words you...
petroleum based plastics require lots of fossil fuel to produce , it takes hundreds of years to degrade during which they will release more greenhouse gases our next segment features a more eco...
Now lets talk about how long it will take to see results and also things to watch out for. One result should be immediately noticeable. And that will be that your skin will not feel dry and tight...
Welcome to Expert Village. I'm Chef A.J., and today I'm going to show you how to make a ginger slaw. It's a really easy salad that is great with any Asian food or even as a...
So, you can possibly hear this little sizzling. I have it over medium to medium-high heat. I'm just going to pour the one pound of cut carrots. I know you can get carrots already shredded. I...
So I've sauteed the carrots for about seven to ten minutes, till they're soft to the touch, but still have a little bit of crunch. You don't want it mush. Then I'm...