Collagen Increase Naturally - Collagen Production In Skin - Collagen is the most imperative constituents our physique desires. Collagen is a commonplace protein that is found in each animal. That is...
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Phototherapy is the use of ultraviolet light to slow the rapid growth of new skin cells, this treatment may be helpful in treating Psoriasis which causes skin cells to grow to rapidly, at Mecklenburg...
Many of you know how passionate I am about exfoliation for many reasons but especially for smoother more lustrous and radiant skin, which sounds exactly how we want our lips to be. But never exfoliate...
Did you know that your body is made up of millions and millions and millions of cells. Hi I'm Janice Creneti and I'm here to talk to you about what is a somatic cell. Somatic actually...



Hello, I'm Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] And welcome to DermTV. The subject of waxing before or after exfoliation comes up frequently as... First, if I regularly exfoliate, is it ok to wax? And...
Everyone knows that the sun causes premature photo aging, blotching, wrinkling, broken capillaries, and of course, skin cancer. A sunburn is your first warning sign that the sun is causing damage. And...
Hi, I'm Dr. Michael Lin, founder of Dr Lin Direct and Linage Dermatology Institute. I have several offices throughout Southern California, and I'd like to invite you to check out my...