Can Plants Think? With over 300,000 plants species on Earth, there's no doubt that they have highly developed senses to stay alive and thrive. But while some of their features may be compared...
I think it's important to explain to you where I think medicine is going, how it got to be where it is, and how, absent a tremendous reflection on the part of leaders in health care, we have a...
So you have heard many of life's curiosities, but did you know that cashews grow on apples? In this case the apple is simple an accessory fruit, with the cashew growing on top. Or how about...
#mushrooms #carbon dioxide #funny tweet #nerd stuff #blow #I never knew you could fill up on carbon dioxide #Scientific History #things to make and do #Very Interesting #2 of my favorate things #Brain stuff #old stuff #GO GROW SOMETHING #Brain Food #awesometime #Cashew Chicken #open mind #Itch #procrastinating some more #crazy about you #best things in life #Fun with Kids #Movie Stuff #cool thing #Science Apps For Fast Facts #firstandten #Most Interesting Man in the World #you are amazing #pop sci #weird art #cats are my friends #life at random #my actual life #Concepts, Thoughts & Fun #awesome things to know #animal ears #snooze #Neat History #can be true #Very true #amaizing #A & P stuff #My Favourite Things #random stuff that i like #Perfect Spots In A Not So Perfect World #Just Fun Stuff #Indigenous Life #My Favorite Stuff #one of my fav plants #Food Fun #wedotheweirdstuff #Things that Grow #random animal facts #and this was the best I could do #shocking stories #RealLifeStuff #Top ten art #lauren mitchell #world statistics #Not crazy about some parts #240life #true facts #mindblowin #awsome #Cool - Fun - Weird Science #movie facts #tumblr me ama #The Fun Stuff #dis my pic B) #save your breath #Weird Kids #sciencefacts #tumblr is the best at this stuff #Science Facts #Nerd 4 Life #fun.dom #outside stuff + plants #not not fun #you are awesome #iwillmakeit #Our Awesome World #History Nerd #Just Cool Stuff #funny tumblr #chicken heads #part of your life #blow your mind #Fun Around the World #WEIRD AND UNUSUAL



所以,對「一覺醒來的感覺」你有個想法 -- 糟透了。 解決辦法 - 停止喝酒,直到下個星期,所有事情再重新來過。 你知道它是無可避免的。 雖然有很多藥物和偏方聲稱可以解決問題, 這裡是真有科學證明的妙方,助你處理你的宿醉。 在你開始喝酒之前,吃一些油膩的食物和澱粉。 當然你想要在你出去約會的夜晚看起來苗條,但事實是, 油膩的食物減緩身體吸收酒精的速度並且幫助減少胃部不適感, 而澱粉預防低血醣和減輕...
There's only one thing harder than keeping stupid things from happening to people and that's keeping people from doing stupid things to themselves. You've probably heard about...
While many search for the proverbial fountain of youth, you might be wondering why do we age in the first place? What is it about our bodies or cells biologically that causes us to grow old? There is...