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everyone has got uh... a really exciting story for us today uh... one other thing is getting nearly enough coverage pretty popular break here uh... a study performed by g_ o_ r_ g_ o_ dime young...



1.We are here at Qcon London 2012 and I am sitting here with Rupert Smith. Rupert, who are you?My name is Rupert Smith and I am currently working for Rapid Addition and myself and Kevin Houstoun have...



[music, female narrator] Welcome to This Week @Minnesota. [male narrator] The Bell Museum held Science Discovery Camp this week. One class focused on bee keeping and honey making and allowed local...
You can simulate stuff on your computer. Why can't we simulate a girl? I guess I could, but why? It's two-dimensional on the screen. It's not flesh and blood. But we can ask it...
You know it, Gary. Look at her. Do you know what I'd like to do? Shower with them. Then we hit the city, baby, dead on, for a little drinks, a little nightlife, dancing... Dancing....
Pick a card, any card. Actually, just pick up all of them and take a look. This standard 52-card deck has been used for centuries. Everyday, thousands just like it are shuffled in casinos all over the...
Hi there. Sometimes I play an online game. And this is just a little break from whatever I am doing... but it can also turn out to be a fascinating social experiment. This happened to me a little...



In today's lecture number 13, we will again review the derivatives obtained via operator notation. Then we will discuss about why we need upwinding. Why do we need numerical dissipation, when...

