TrollsNews today MeganSpeaks Drama Good evening and welcome to trolls breaking news, this will be about MeganSpeaks super drama. I said we won't talk about her unless there will be something...
The Department of Defense made a historic change to military policy today. For the first time ever, women will be allowed to serve in combat provided they are supervised by a male chaperone. The Onion...
leon panetta and the defense secretary has lifted a ban on women fighting in the front lines so this means that as long as they qualifying undergo physical tests women in the military will be able to...
This disturbing video was obtained by Matthieu Aikins an investigative journalist based in Afghanistan. It shows members of the Afghan National Army and what's thought to be interpreters...
You can simulate stuff on your computer. Why can't we simulate a girl? I guess I could, but why? It's two-dimensional on the screen. It's not flesh and blood. But we can ask it...
FULL SLEEVE TATTOO GIRLS IDEAS and FULL SLEEVE TATTOO GIRLS Looking for the number one Tattoo Full sleeve Tattoo girls Design? What about Full Sleeve TATTOO Girls? Then go to...
this in the morning harold has some tour every reporting enjoying a size nor the u_s_ government plans to do it first early reported this australian diplomatic cables release a fairfax media under...
back in december of at twenty eleven anonymous hacked into the email accounts first rack for which is basically a private intelligence for and now we can only is slowly but surely releasing some of...