The Genesis account tells us that the lights in the heavens are to be for signs, not to be confused with the astrology condemned by the Bible, as pagan in nature. Did the constellations that are now...
Validit, validity, satisfiability, and unsatisfiability, are properties of individual sentences. In logical reasoning, we are not so much concerned with individual sentences, as we are with the...
Wearable technology seems to be the latest trend, but one Japanese company is taking it to a whole new level with an ear computer. That's right, an ear computer. It's a small clip that fits in the ear...
Android-operated wearable tech is so 2013. Well, at least that's what Samsung thinks. Samsung recently unveiled three new smartwatches, all similar to the original Galaxy Gear, but none run the...
Hi! My name is Paige and you can visit my website at Today, we’re discussing different elements with mini DV camcorder. Right now, we’re going to talk about sound, which is...
Welcome to adafruit's nondenominational holiday wearable electronics gift guide! Nevermind, onto the rest of the gifts to make and to give! Make an EL wire stocking and fill it with tools for the...
Marin County, California, the second largest oyster producer in the state. It's also home to a shrinking number of dairies that are finding it tough to cope with increasing environmental regulations:...
Here is rotating globe of Mars and we're going to zoom in on the middle Southern latitudes, the part of Mars where we find these active slope features, and we're zooming in on the Newton Basin crater...
HRT-HR1 - Ivanscica - 270 km MR2 Petõfi - Kékes - 80 km Radio 24 - Dunaújváros - 60 km Class FM - local Rádió 1 - local RR Actual - Oradea - 225 km Radio_FM - Poprad - 175 km Class FM - Kékes - 80 km...
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