This is Sam Humeid with the Cannabinews Network. This is the news roll-up if you're just joining us we were just earlier discussing the Colorado Washington legalization of recreational...
The effort to legalize marijuana in the state of Maine will have to wait after the state's legislature failed to push forward a measure that would have allowed marijuana to be used, sold and...
Marijuana has been on the Israeli scene since at least 1964, when Israeli chemist, Rafael Mechoulam, first isolated THC, the active ingredient in marijuana. In 1992, Mechoulam discovered the naturally...
today's for twenty so i think it's only natural to start the third hour with a pot story there are i get it all right this is an poor all that was done by the associated press and at...
i got good news ma'am i had good mood news for all the pot smokers out there we're starting to see signs of the future in a parole off of post and you both poll found that fifty one...
Marijuana has many medical applications, most especially for patients on chemotherapy, multiple sclerosis patients, glaucoma and for chronic pain. It has a long history of both recreational and...
Hi, my name Skip Budman the creator of Allow me to start by saying that I'm really glad you are here today! I am 54 years old and hypothetically, I've been using...
momenta may continue to build after the legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado now the new hampshire house has voted to legalize marijuana US News is reporting that the new hampshire has...
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