>>Lois, may I have some pins. [music] [sewing machine rumbles] >>I'm going to really go home and dye my hair green and look like one of the dolls....
Hey it's Chris from chrisbeatcancer.com and Today's video is a really really special one because it's been 10 years to the day that I had surgery for stage 3 colon cancer...
very interesting study from Saint George's University of London about cannabinoids and their effectiveness as anti-cancer drugs there's new research which shows that the non...
After taking care of the external causes of cancer, cleansing the intestines, and alkalinizing, it is time to attack the cancer itself. Cancer patients increase their chances of survival by using as...
I'm Cathy Pritchard and I live in Dumfries with my husband. I was a district nurse and I worked at Dumfries Infirmary. I was diagnosed in 2007 with ovarian cancer. The operation itself was...
VO: At the University of Kentucky, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Phoebe Glazer is looking for something more effective at killing cancer cells and less toxic to healthy cells than cisplatin. A...



Hi. My name is Karen Selby, a Patient and Family Advocate here at The Mesothelioma Center. Welcome to this week's “What does that really mean?” Today I’ll discuss the difference among the...



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Laureen: Alicia, someone wanted to know, you mentioned VIR was the top 3rd. Now they want to know what are number 1 and number 2. Alicia: Oh well actually, the top 3 are cardiology, oncology and...



Rick Baehner: Now, now that you have been newly diagnosed with DCIS, you should talk with either your surgeon or your radiation oncologist about ordering the test. Your surgeon or radiation oncologist...