{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf470 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red26\green26\blue26;\red0\green0\blue239;}...
now who are for twenty celebrations for seem cold air and some of you know uh... i'm from colorado but i do not like simple there actually had a lot of friends who went there but it's...
The reason that HIV was invented as the cause of AIDS is it was a way to get research money. That's how you get big bucks, that's how you get research grants to fund your laboratories...
Marijuana has many medical applications, most especially for patients on chemotherapy, multiple sclerosis patients, glaucoma and for chronic pain. It has a long history of both recreational and...
[Music] >>Lu: We are actually very interested in the interface between chemistry and biology and also the application of such interest development in terms of fundamental research. So on...
The Cannabis plant grows almost anywhere. It is found in Asia - China, Malaysia, it's found in the Middle East, it's found in Africa and it also grows, of course, in Europe and the US....
christmastime la festoj ĉi tiu estas la maniero sciigi al mi ĉi tie en ĉi lokon mensa malsanulejo oni nomas ĝin etendo kaj kiu estas nur i scias pri ĝi moteloj bonvolu tra eŭropo kaj forĵeti la...
This viewer asks, "What is this molly that we've been hearing about so much on the news?" Molly is a recreational drug known as MDMA, methamphetamine. It's also...
A lot of people think when they come here to Las Vegas, that the night clubs are a really tolerant and permissive environment where anything goes. And so, it's not uncommon that people bring...
SUBTITLES BY SYDCUL Hey baby, wake up from your asleep. We have arrived into the future and the whole world is become... Elektronik, supersonik. Supersonik, elektronik. Hey baby, ride with me away. We...

