haha registries ls leopold was right on the shows off of the looting of america how wall street steve a fantasy finance destroyed our jobs pensions and prosperity at what we can do about it...
shabbos is running for timeshare at in new hampshire n he believes that it make sense use deadly force to prevent abortions let's watch what you have to say the the sheriff is supposed to...
dr lend support of that's photo is the arthur of book called a return to healing which is available at w_w_w_ dot he returned to healing dot com was shocking that that was that was available...



Hello, my name is Carolyn Dean, drcarolyndean.com. I'm a medical doctor and a naturopathic doctor and I live in beautiful Maui. I've finished my 22nd health book, I have a free...
Albuquerque Police have shot and killed a homeless man by the name and James Boyd and a few the police officers have been put on paid administrative leave now a video helmet cam video has been...
louie Gohmert has harsh words it says here I'm reading from the Huffington Post Molly Riley story yes some tough words for federal judges who've been ruling in favor of same-sex...
John Kerry is of course our sector said he's been going back and forth between Israel and the US for a long time trying to get a peace deal nyse: working really hard at it I'm now we...
during the 2009 debate about that health care bill President Obama and the his administration claimed I look of course we'd love to do single pair but we just you know college you just...