Gina and I are now going to demonstrate another forward pull with one leg. Eka Pada Paschimottanasana that just means one leg forward pull. We are going to face each other coming back to the back of...
GINA KENNEDY: Uttanasana or a standing forward fold seems like it would be an easy pose and it may be for some people, but for people with tight hamstrings and a tight lower back, it can be somewhat...
Downward Facing Dog Purpose- build up strength in the upper arms, and open the back, neck, chest, hips and shoulders, Come onto the floor on your hands and knees Spread your fingers wide Straighten...
Another great way to practice tree pose with a partner is to go in opposing directions. So I'm going to ask Gina to turn around and we're coming into tree hugger, so we're...
Hi Guys so i have done this video for those who are doing the sun salutes but need it to be modified. So i am just going to go through on sun salute with everything modified for those who have just...
In this pose Gina and Rissa are going to help me demonstrate a combined pose where Gina is going to come into down dog. And Rissa is going to come into fish pose across her back and get a really good...
Wide legged standing forward fold. Purpose: reduce stiffnes, tiredness and tension in the muscles and the back of your legs. At the same time the muscles of the back and the neck are stretched. Note:...
Matsayasana is a really fun pose to do with a lot of people. It's a special fun to do with a group of kids. So it's Fish Pose and in that pose, we're going to open up through...
Another great way to begin the yoga partner practice is with centering in the third eye prayer. So the third eye is indicating the Agnichakra and is located in between the eyebrows and the forehead....