me everybody welcome to the Republic of Yoga I'm Zoe and this is Coco so Coco and I sort of just got out of bed Coco definitely she has not yet brushed her teeth or anything like that and we...
Another way to start your partner yoga practice is by flowing some of the beginning practices we've already done together in a little series, that makes a really beautiful practice. So...
Next Gina and I are going to come into a pose called Parighasana or Gate Pose. We're going to come on up to our knees and bring our hips together, good. You want to position your knees right...
Triangle Pose. Purpose: Build strength in the lower back and upper legs while removing tension from the lower and upper back, hips and hamstrings through both the twist and stretching. Note: If you...
Parivrtta Trikonasana, revolved triangle. We're going to slide into revolved triangle from pyramid pose, so the legs are pyramid pose legs. We're going to shift that right hip back....
In this clip, we're going to talk about Adho Mukha Svanasana. It's a really fancy word for downward facing dog, one of the most popular yoga poses in class. Amy, here, already is...
So, we are going to position our feet pretty much the same way in verbedrasana 1 as we did in verbedrasana 2 -- hero pose. So, you can begin by rotating the forward foot (in this case the right foot)....



CINDY MASTRY: In this clip, Faith is going to help me demonstrate how using the block can help you come into revolved triangle or Parivritta Trikonasana with much better alignment. She's going...
Wide legged standing forward fold. Purpose: reduce stiffnes, tiredness and tension in the muscles and the back of your legs. At the same time the muscles of the back and the neck are stretched. Note:...
So, continuing to prepare for Triangle. Arms are up, level with the ground, reaching out. We want to be sure that the shoulder blades are on the back. That's going to create a nice open chest...