5..4..3 ..2..1! wooo hooo!!!! driving by the hospital for the past 20 years I live nearby and the beautiful old building with beautiful brick work and you don't even notice it on the highway...



Hi, i'm judith kingsbury from savvy vegetarian dot com today i'm going to show you how to cook basic quinoa nothing else, that's it, just how to cook quinoa I'm going...
this david packard shelf at david packard dot com as you know the number one way to support this program as they become inebriated patent remember we mentioned on our youtube live stream if anyone...
the david packard champagne david that dot com welcome to the david packwood still big picture of illicit uh... it's it's allot of weird stories the lot of interesting stories...
fox news also bizarrely claiming that elizabeth warren is responsible for the financial crisis this is after remember we talked about her very basic question on the senate banking committee where she...
welcome back to the david back-bencher our membership program is made possible in part by liberal bias dot com we know liberal thinkers so cool with this the case takes enough but conservatives have...
Looking at climate and environment, we see a world that is increasingly suffering from environmental degradation, and that degradation has led to the spread of emerging infectious diseases. What are...



I attended the political and economic session in the morning, and a lot of the focus was away from Latin America, actually. It was more on Asia and Africa. I think a lot of that is just a reflection...

