as a new study published in the journal of american sociological review and have found that first of all religious people uh... namely catholics and um... evangelical protestants art more satisfied...
there's absolutely addresses but the biking what goaded by dot com slash t y t for your free trial membership a well at police officers and community members gathered thursday afternoons honor...
dimazio and few righty now with two printers are caught on the ten were states three woman and and not only a divided as i'm really not down the list that i noticed that it's number...



once again David Sirota has written a great article okay and at the end of all this and the yes there are problems got crushed politically yes they've damaged their bare brain tremendously and...
if you don't like the US get the hell outta the US well that's what won arizona family did it's the guest ron way family I N they're very very right-wing very extreme...
Clarify why freedom of thought and conscience is so vital. Let me give you three reasons. First, in your American history and in the American experiment freedom of thought and conscience was always...
the survival of the universe being one of them. And I actually think singing is a very, very important way to get people to think about how much these different issues are linked. I think it becomes...



la civilaj liberecoj advokato rakontis al mi kaj washington d_c_ volas ke uh ... se vi ne havas civilajn liberecojn vi ne havas nenion ĉio startas de famuloj bone ni scias liberigo ni devas scii ke...



Historically people of different faiths have not felt welcome if they were gay or lesbian, bisexual or transgender, in mainstream religious congregations. I've heard story after story of...