GINA KENNEDY: In Utthita Tadasana or extended mountain pose, a block can be really helpful to bring your spine into correct alignment. So we're going to have Faith demonstrate this for us...
Now we will do Hand To Big Toe Pose with the right leg. So, starting in Mountain Pose, feet forward, ankles lifted energetically, soften knees, engage the quads, engage the abs, lift the torso, breath...
And then the second technique it's also a meditation which is used to still the mind and to calm and quiet is Alternate Nostril Breathing. And this technique is practiced with your left hand...



From this position we’re going to stretch the arms back behind the head, now we’re going to raise up and we’re going to take our toes or backs of the legs. Chin into the chest, toes, backs of the...
Supta Padangusthasana III or C. We're going to start off with lengthen the spine, relaxing the shoulders. Inhale to extend the left leg up to the sky, and we're going to extend the...
The campers pose is a nice way to strengthen the thighs, strengthen the pelvic girdle. It can also can be used a pose between other standing poses. Emily, I'm going to have you bring your feet...
Next we'll be coming into a pose called cradle the baby. Let's begin, sitting up nice and tall with our legs extended out in front. Let's take the left knee in towards the...
Coming from standing tadasana pose with your hands at your heart center. Go ahead and inhale, swing those arms up over head, finding a lift of the chest skyward, exhale dive forward weight in the...



So, today we're going to do a Supine Yoga sequence. Supine means to recline on your back. And, this is a really great sequence for many different times. But, one example is if you're...
With your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, pause feel your breath and remember why you do this practice. Your intention to turn inside and to rest in yourself. And, then from there draw...