Another great leg strengthening, heart opening pose for partners is the kneeling lunge. So again Gina and I are going to turn back to back. Gina is going to step her right foot forward and I'm...
There's many different ways to come into Warrior II, A Standing Shrink Pose. In this particular clip we are going to do this with our heels together. So we're going to bring, or sides...
Another way to use the pump motion to come into your forward folds a little bit deeper and also to get a stretch through your inner thighs is using it with a wide legged position. Gina is going to...
Another way to practice warrior one, a standing pose with your partner, is to stand back to back and Gina and I are going to demonstrate that for you now. We're going to turn back to back. You...
So now we're showing Warrior II from the back because you can see the spine upright. In this next transition through to Revolving Side Angle, it's going to start with the foot and...
A nice gentle spinal twist is on elbows and knees and Emily is going to do it for us. It's a way to get a final twist in without over exerting yourself. So, coming into hands and knees first....
To start your chair, prenatal yoga flow, it's best to go to meditate into and center come to your breath and relax. So we're going to have Emily here come into a nice wide leg...
Gina and I now are going to flow the last two poses we did together in a nice little flow that really lengthens out through your sides and strengthens through your legs. It's the Warrior II...
Garudasana or eagle pose is a really great way to ground in to the earth and then open your chest to get yourself ready to fly. Gina is going to help me do this pose. We are going to come back to back...
A great way to open up your hips and come into the rhythm of your breath is with Sufi circles. You can do this alone but it is really fun to do it with a partner. Again you start seated back to back...