Continuing to prepare to come into the full expression of lateral angle, we talked about inhaling and lengthening, and now when you exhale rotate your ribs so it's though you have a barrel and...
Another great way to begin partner yoga practice and to connect with your partner is the use of the Lotus Mudra. A Mudra is an energy seal and the lotus flower is the symbol of spiritual...
The sequence that I want to share with you, is a sequence that I've developed over many years of teaching Yoga. I've been teaching Yoga since nineteen ninety-two and I've been...
Mukarasana Crocodile is the second most relaxing pose second only to Shavasan, the corpse pose for relaxation. I am going to ask Willie to lay down on his belly. He is going to put one hand on top of...
Gina and I are going to demonstrate another really great way to stretch your shoulders back and your chest. Gina is going to come on up to her knees and take a seat on her heels and she is going to...
Hi, my name is Sheryl McGlochlin with and on behalf of we want to talk about how your weight would effect the snowshoe that you use. Now I have on this snowshoe here...



So to go from Warrior II to Side Angle or Parsvakonasana is a totally different orientation. As I've mentioned before, in Warrior II you're squeezing everything together and keeping...
The L dog is a really great way as a partner to come and give your partner a really nice lengthening through the spine. So Gina is going to do that for me this time. So I'm going to come on...
So, once you're inside angle you can treat this pose like an intensive hip opener and strengthener. Often folks will attempt the pose going hand first. So, bend the leg, put the hand down. See...
In this partner flow putting two poses together Gina and I are really going to be able to open up to our side bodies. We are going to stand back to back, good. We are going to find our long spines. We...