>> [Music] now, Penn State Heart and Vascular Institute presents Project Health Live. >> Now with me I have Jan Christianson, a registered dietician. I wanted to ask you,...
Following a low-fat diet may help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. A Mediterranean-style eating plan, however, may help you live longer. I'm Shelby Cullinan for the...
I collapsed at home. I was 540 pounds. I was at Brigham And Women's. My wife said they put took the paddles to me three times, cardiac arrest, pneumonia. When he got here he was on dialysis....
"Should We Take a Multivitamin?" About 1 in 3 Americans takes a multivitamin. Is that helpful, harmful, or just harmless... a waste of money? in 2011, the Iowa Women's Health...
Hey what's up guys, this is David Benjamin from healthywildandfree.com, today i'm going to talk about the health benefits of pumpkin seeds, also known as pepitas, I don't know...
"Dr. Burkitt's F-Word Diet" The famous surgeon Denis Burkitt is better known for his discovery of a childhood cancer now known as Burkitt's lymphoma than for his 1979...