"The Benefits of Caloric Restriction Without the Actual Restricting" Why can’t we live forever? Some animals do. And I’m not talking about some 200 year old whale or even a thousand...
"Is Vitamin D the New Vitamin E?" It’s understandable that the Institute of Medicine chose to act conservatively when bumping up their vitamin D recommendation. An editorial in the...
"New Mineral Absorption Enhancers Found" According to the swine information center, pork is an excellent source of a number of nutrients, including iron and zinc. When you see on a...
"Optimal Phytosterol Source" Though nuts and seeds are packed with phytosterols, phytosterols are typically prescribed in butter form. I kid you not. Or in margarine—even worse. For...
"Good Grub: The Healthiest Meat" Thanks to the Chinese space program, scientists in Beijing recently published a formal nutritional analysis of what may be the healthiest animal to...
"Don't Use Antiseptic Mouthwash" How do they know that it's the nitrate that's responsible for the beet-related boost in athletic performance? Beets have all...
"Soy Worth a Hill of Beans?" For over a decade, soy foods have enjoyed the rare privilege of an FDA-approved food label health claim about soy's ability to protect against...
"Cavities and Coronaries: Our Choice" Many of today's lifestyle medicine doctors, myself included, were greatly influenced by Nathan Pritikin, the nutrition pioneer who...
"One in a Thousand: Ending the Heart Disease Epidemic" This is a list of diseases, commonly found here, (and in populations that eat and live like the US) but were rare or even...