I wonder if I'm strong enough To reach your hands for one last touch And if I have just one more chance To say goodbye I could forget I can't erase what has been said But I do try to ease the pain...



I could not save him, Buck! I could not save him! I understand - he stays there. [Reading] I am not going back home with bags full of gold, but I am much richer than when I came here. I found things...



"One in a Thousand: Ending the Heart Disease Epidemic" This is a list of diseases, commonly found here, (and in populations that eat and live like the US) but were rare or even...
Fight! I call at the top of my voice As for the last drop Because I can't waste it Now is the time to go The dream that I drew with you without several degrees I become the voice and sting a...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf320 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red38\green38\blue38;\red242\green242\blue242;\red117\green117\blue117;...
Basking in the sparkling sun swayed by the lovely breeze taking a holiday every now and then with everyone. Camping is such fun, isn't it? That night we squealed and had fun. Through endless...
Who wags his tail in the barefoot dance? Moomin Who messes around and laughs with small Hattifatteners? Moomin And Mamma and Pappa and The Groke and My Give us a story that's always new With...



Oh, you know You know what to say Say "I love you" Oh, I think you've go to know right away "maybe me too" You You are a nice, cool breeze in me I feel you...
Why is it (so many) stars shine far away? While there's only one that eternals the day On Earth it's the very same tale: We drink from one well A common life spring Captain Falcon will...