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(Image Source: Flickr / c-weiss) When it comes to cardiovascular disease and cancer, prevention is key, but only if the prevention actually works. And the jury's still out on vitamin...
[Music playing] Speaker 1: Thank you for joining us as we continue talking about cardiovascular disease. We’re talking about triglycerides. I know many of you have high elevated triglyceride or...
Coming up next on "Arizona Horizon," we've hit the month of May and still no progress on several big issues at the state legislature. We'll have an update with the...
[Kaltman] Hi, my name is Jon Kaltman. I’m from the Division of Cardiovascular Sciences at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. And I’m here with Dr. Rick Lifton, the head of the Department...
okay this is important let's talk about the symptoms of heart disease in men maim you know there you really don't take good care of yourself as the leading edge do when it comes to...
[Music playing] Speaker 1: Hello and thank you for joining us as we continue talking about cardiovascular disease. In this segment, we’re going to talk about viscosity or blood thickness or the way...
♪ [music playing-- no dialogue] ♪♪. Hello, I'm Ladonna Jenkins, and I'm an Eastern Illinois University dietetic intern. Today, I'm going to teach you how to make a low-calorie...
"Heart Disease Starts in Childhood" It was this landmark study published in 1953 that radically changed our view about the development of heart disease forever. A series of 300...
"RAW VEGGIES VERSUS COOKED FOR HEART DISEASE" In this recent study of 50,000 men and women, those who ate the most apples appeared to have significantly less risk of having a heart...